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Representation of women in universities

Data for the school year TShafav (2021-2022))

Afik's database

* The institutions are presented in alphabetical order

Presidencies, Rectors and CEOs

As of the 2015 academic year, only 2 women held these positions (CEO and President of the Open University)

The proportion of deans (in percentages) out of all deans in office

* No data was provided by the Interdisciplinary University

The proportion of full professorships and associate professorships (in percentages) out of all faculty members in the given rank

* No data was provided by the Interdisciplinary University

The proportion of senior lecturers and lecturers (in percentages) out of all faculty members in the given rank

* No data was provided by the Interdisciplinary University

 ** There is no lecturer rank at the Weizmann Institute of Science

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