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Questions and Answers

Who can be members of the forum?

female researchers throughout all stages of their careers. The "Forum" can have female professors (full professor, associate professor, professor emeritus, research professor), and the "Etudah Hatzaira" can be joined by young female researchers who are not yet at professor status.

Why are only professorships from member universities in the forum?

Based on the concept that the challenges facing the female academic faculty in universities and colleges are different in essence, the forum specializes in promoting issues relevant to universities (promotion of female research students, research grants for doctoral studies, assistance for starting postdoctoral studies, increasing the number of female researchers, integrating female faculty members into senior management positions).
At the same time, Afik sees a similar forum among faculty members from the colleges that is being established these days as an important and essential body. Afik helps as much as possible to promote the status of female researchers in colleges and their integration in management positions, promotes and maintains cooperation and mutual work with our fellow colleges.

In which disciplines does Afik work for the promotion of female researchers?

Afik works to promote female researchers from all disciplines. We call on professors from various fields of knowledge and all faculties to join us in "Afik Ba Academia" and work together for gender equality in universities.

How does Afik treat female researchers from minority groups in the population?

We see utmost importance in the values of diversity and inclusion, and in the advancement of women, from all population groups. Their path in the academic track of female researchers from minority groups is particularly difficult, and we must make every effort to help their advancement.

How can you be a partner in the action?

We want to hear from you. The knowledge Afik possesses is based on the experience, knowledge and life experiences of its members. Together we will decide on which topics and how we should act. Write us


The goal is important to you  And you're not a professor? Join a young reserve

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